Site Terms
Use this page to detail your site's Ts & Cs.
Use this page to detail your site's Ts & Cs.
Use this form to contact us about articles you want to post or membership requests.
Edit Alumni
Edit Historical Events (what happened and when)
Up and comming events (openings, social events, meetings etc).
The membership management system (logins and access - linked to User Management)
User management, portal to underlying security admin.
Items of interest. Newsworthy information about the mission and and people.
General noticeboard. Simple system to allow a 'notice' on the front page. Covering anything that is not News, Event or History
Administrator view of pictures, enabling addition, deleting and labels. Note: Where pictures are shown will be on the relevant entity (News, Events, History, Alumni) this does not automatically show pictures (yet)
Links to friend sites and sites of interest and relevant to Chogoria Foundation.
Any fields / pictures that are not generally edited or shown as lists, e.g. About Page, Some main screen texts. ( Under Construction)
The place to see messages form 'Contact Us' page.
The place to see messages form 'Contact Us' page.